Source code for nobowindmap

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Created on Tue May 12 21:49:49 2015
"""Plot a wind chart. Wind in knots. Wind barbs with the common interpretation 
lower than 2.5 knots indicated without barns, calms are circles.
Input is read from a parameter file.

Necessary parameters:

* sqlite-database pathname: dbname

* outputdirectory: outputdir

* start and end date and time as integer (yyyymoddhhmi):
  startdattim , enddattim

* time-delta in minutes: timedelta

* Title of the map as ASCII-String (no Umlaute etc..): maptitle

* Map limits: max. longitude; min. latitude; max. latitude (deci. degrees):

* Map pickle directory:  mappickledir"""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import os
import sys

import numpy as np
import os.path as op

# from osgeo import gdal
    import nobotouls.noboinout as inout
    import noboinout as inout

PARAMHELP = u"""File with parameters for wind map plotting"""
MOVIEHELP = u"""If set it produces a movie and deletes the output images.
Otherwise only images are produced without a movie"""
KEEPHELP = u"""If set the images are also kept after a movie has
been produced"""

SEPARATOR1 = 79 * "-"

[docs]def calc_maplimits(lonctr=14., latctr=47., width=50, height=30): """Calculate map boundaries from center-ccord., width and height""" DEG2KM = 40000 / 360 # : km/ DLAT = height / DEG2KM # : y-width in degrees DLON = width / DEG2KM / np.cos(np.deg2rad(latctr)) # : x-width in degrees LATMIN = latctr - DLAT / 2 # : min. latitude LATMAX = latctr + DLAT / 2 # : max. latitude LONMIN = lonctr - DLON / 2 # : min. longitude LONMAX = lonctr + DLON / 2 # : min. longitude return LONMIN, LONMAX, LATMIN, LATMAX
[docs]def main(): """Main routine""" # Imput paramters and options parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument('paramfile', help=PARAMHELP) parser.add_argument('-m', '--movie', action='store_true', help=MOVIEHELP) parser.add_argument('-k', '--keep', action='store_true', help=KEEPHELP) parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=inout.version()) args = parser.parse_args() # read and parse parameter files params = inout.read_inputparms(args.paramfile) dbfile = params['dbname'] outputdir = params['outputdir'] starttime = params['startdattim'] endtime = params['enddattim'] delta = params['timedelta'] maptitle = params['maptitle'] lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax = params['maplimits'] pickledir = params['mappickledir'] # dempath = params['dempath'] # Output log inout.version() print(SEPARATOR1) print("Input paramters: ") print("NOBO-Data-Base : ", dbfile) print("Output-Directory : ", outputdir) print("Start-Date-Time : ", starttime) print("End-Date-Time : ", endtime) print("Time-Delta (min) : ", delta) print("Map title : ", maptitle) print("Map: Left-Lon : {:8.5f} Right-Lon : {:8.5f}".format(lonmin, lonmax)) print(" Lower-Lat : {:8.5f} Upper-Lat : {:8.5f}".format(latmin, latmax)) print("Map pickle directory : ", pickledir) # print("Path to HR-DEM file : ", dempath) print(SEPARATOR1) print("Output Log:") picklefilen = inout.makepicklefilename(pickledir, (lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax)) # Plotting if not os.path.exists(picklefilen): print('MAP-Pickle not yet exist, to be generated:') print(picklefilen) inout.make_mercator_map_and_pickle( lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax, picklefilen) print('MAP-Pickle exists: \n ', picklefilen) start = inout.yymoddhhmi2pydatetime(starttime) end = inout.yymoddhhmi2pydatetime(endtime) inout.windplot(dbfile, picklefilen, outputdir, start, end, delta, maptitle=maptitle) if # Movie print(SEPARATOR1) print("Make a movie") fm = '%Y%m%d' moviefilename = op.join(outputdir, start.strftime(fm) + '_' + end.strftime(fm)) inout.moviemaker(outputdir, moviefilename) if not args.keep: print(SEPARATOR1) print("Delete images") inout.deletefiles(op.join(outputdir, '*.png')) print(SEPARATOR1) print("Ready - Enjoy the output!") return
if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())