.. nobotouls documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jun 1 22:06:08 2015. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Nobo-Touls ========== .. figure:: pics/aichfeld.jpg :width: 90% Aichfeld with Zeltweg-Airport (LOXZ) from north to south (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeltweg) .. This documentation can be :download:`download as pdf here. <./download/nobotouls.pdf>` For downloading the source code of the package :program:`nobotouls` see here: :ref:`download`. .. topic:: What is it for? **NoboTouls** supplies a suite of python tools to manage, modify and plot HOBO station data (measured and data logged with products of the US-company http://www.onsetcomp.com/) for the **Aichfeld-Project**. To avoid copyright violations the name of this program suite was changed from HOBO-Tools to Nobo-Touls and because of simplicity (*find & replace* reasons) *HOBO-files* are from now on called **NOBO-files**. Not all of the functionality here is provided by the much more comfortablly to use free *Onset*(TM)-Program `HOBOware `_ Use is made of following python libraries: * http://www.numpy.org/ * http://matplotlib.org/ * http://matplotlib.org/basemap * http://gdal.org/python/ * http://www.scipy.org/ .. topic:: New * Nov 12, 2016: **NoboTouls Version 0.0.5**: in :program:`nobowindmap` and in :program:`nobowindmap2` low winds below 2.5 knots are shown with an emtpy wind arrow as direction indicator. Only very low winds below 0.1 knots are shown as directionless small circels/dots. - The changes were applied in module :program:`inout.py` to function/procedure :program:`plot_wind`. * Sept 18, 2016: **NoboTouls Version 0.0.4** with bug fixes concerning :program:`nobowindmap.py` for for Debian Jessie and OS-X for dealing with lat, lon - values in map plotting routines For those who do not want a complete reeinstall change in module :program:`noboinout.py` in function :program:`def plot_windmap` (about line 1406 of module): false: :: """Plot a single wind barb with u,v in map 'bmap' at lat, lon""" ... x, y = bmap(lon, lat) ... correct: :: """Plot a single wind barb with u,v in map 'bmap' at lat, lon""" ... x, y = bmap(float(lon), float(lat)) ... Contents ======== .. toctree:: :numbered: :maxdepth: 3 programs modules databases install changes license impressum datenschutzerklaerung Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. Seealso:: http://www.foehnwall.at